CBIRC Commands

All CBIRC commands start with a slash '/'. Use /? to display a list of all supported commands.

/command /? shows the syntax of command.

Command Syntax Description
/?   Displays all supported commands.
/   Repeat the last line entered in this window.
//   Repeat the last line entered.
/!   Repeat the last command entered.
/!!   Repeat the last command entered in this window.
/ACT text Send an action text to the channel or query.
/ACTION text Send an action text to the channel or query.
/AJINVITE on|ask|off Set the default auto invite handling.
/ALIAS command [code] Add an alias script.
/AME text Send the action text to all active channels.
/AMSG text Send the message to all active channels.
/AUSER [-a] levels nick|address [info] Add a user level for script event handling.
  • -a Append an additional level.
/AOP [on|off|nick|address [#channel]] Add, remove or enable/disable auto op mode.
/AVOICE [on|off|nick|address [#channel]] Add, remove or enable/disable auto voice mode.
/AWAY [text] Set away/back mode.
/BAN [#channel] nick Kick a user from the channel #channel.
/BANKICK [#channel] nick [reason] Kick and ban a user from the channel #channel.
/BEEP [number] [delay] Beep number times with a delay in ms.
/BENCHMARK   Display output performance statistics.
/CALC expression Evaluate the mathematical expression.
/CLEAR   Clear this display.
/CLEARALL   Clear all displays.
/CLIPBOARD [-a] text Copy a text to the clipboard.
  • -a Append the text to the existing clipboard text.
/CLOSEMSG nick Close the query window.
/COPY [-ao] file1 file2 Copy a file.
  • -a Append to an existing file.
  • -o Overwrite an existing file.
/CTCP nick|channel command [params] Send a CTCP command.
/CTCPS [on|off] Enable/disable CTCP handling or check status.
/CREQ [ask|auto|ignore] Default DCC chat request handling.
/DCC command [params] Execute a direct client to client command.
/DCC [S]CHAT nick Open a DCC chat connection.
/DCC [S][T]SEND nick [file1 [file2]] Transfer a file.
/DCC [S][T]RSEND nick [file1 [file2]] Transfer a file behind a firewall.
/DCC [S][T]GET nick file1 [file2] Request a file transfer.
/DCC LIST List all DCC connections.
/DCC CLOSE [number|nick] Close one or several DCC connections.
/DCCCHATMSG nick [text] Send a DCC chat message. A connection has to exist.
/DEC %var [-czuN] [value] Decrement a variable.
  • -c Decrement the numeric value every second.
  • -z Decrement the numeric value after each call till it is zero and remove the variable.
  • -ulifetime Lifetime of the variable in seconds.
/ECHO text Display a decrypted text in this window. Nothing is sent.
/DELKEY [#channel|user] Remove a Blowfish channel or user key.
/DEOP [#channel] nick Remove operator status.
/DESCRIBE [#channel] text Send an action text to the channel or query.
/DISABLE command|#group Disable a command or a group.
/DISABLEKEY [#channel|user] Disable Blowfish key.
/DISCONNECT   Close the connect to this server.
/DISPLAYKEY [#channel|user] Display Blowfish key.
/DLEVEL [level] Set the default user level for script events.
/DNS [-ch] nick|IP|host Execute a DNS look-up.
  • -c Clear previous DNS look-ups.
  • -h The parameter is a host name.
/ECHO text Display a text in this window. Nothing is sent.
/EMSG nick [text] Send an encrypted private message.
/ENABLE command|#group Enable a command or a group.
/ENABLEKEY [#channel|user] Enable Blowfish key.
/ENCRYPTECHO text Display an encrypted text in this window. Nothing is sent.
/ENOTICE #channel|nick message Send an encrypted notice to another user or channel.
/ETEXT [text] Send a encrypted message in the active window.
/ETOPIC [#channel] text Change the encrypted topic of a channel.
/EVENTS [on|off] Activate/deactivate script event handling.
/FINGER [nick] Get CTCP finger information.
/FLOOD [messages time delay] Change the flood protection parameters ([time] = s, [delay] = ms).
/FLUSH [-lf] [levels] Remove unknown nicks with these levels (params: l = only remove levels, f = force to this connection).
/FSEND [on|off] Set default DCC turbo send mode.
/GBAN [#channel] Manage the ban list of a channel.
/GC   Run Java garbage collector.
/GEXCEPT [#channel] Manage the exception list of a channel.
/GINVITE [#channel] Manage the invite list of a channel.
/GLIST [params] List all available channels in a window.
/GLOG [input|output] [raw|text|xml] [filename] Log all messages or only messages in this window.
/GROUPS [-ed] List script file groups (params: e = only enabled, d = only disabled).
/GTOPIC [#channel] [text] Change the topic of a channel.
/GUSER [-a] levels nick [type] [info] Add a user level for script event handling.
  • -a Append an additional level.
/GWHOIS nick Display information about a userin a GUI window.
/GWHOWAS nick Display information about a user who left IRCin a GUI window.
/HELP [command] Show command syntax or list all commands.
/IAL [on|off] Enabled/disable the internal access list.
/IALCLEAR [nick] Clear the internal access list or remove some items.
/IALMARK [-s] nick [text] Assign a text to matching internal access list items.
  • -s Display matching text values.
/IGNORE [on|off|nick|address] Ignore a user.
/INC %var [-czuN] [value] Increment a variable.
  • -c Decrement the numeric value every second.
  • -z Decrement the numeric value after each call till it is zero and remove the variable.
  • -ulifetime Lifetime of the variable in seconds.
/INVITE nick [channel] Invite a user to a channel.
/INETTIME   Current Swatch internet time.
/IUSER iuser nick|address [info] Set or remove script event user info.
/JAVAVERSION   Version of the Java runtime.
/JOIN #channel [key] Join a channel.
/KEYPASSPHRASE [key] Set the Blowfish master password phrase for the key storage.
/KEYSTATS [#channel] Display key user statistics of a channel.
/KICK [#channel] nick [reason] Kick a user from a channel.
/LEAVE [#channel] [message] Leave a channel.
/LOAD [file [file2 ...]] Load a script file.
/LIST [params] List all available channels.
/LISTKEYS   List all Blowfish keys.
/LOG [input|output] [raw|text|xml] [filename] Log all messages or only messages in this window.
/MASTERKEY [key] Set the Blowfish master password phrase for the key storage.
/ME [#channel] text Send an action text to the channel or query.
/MIGRATEKEY [#channel|user] Copy an existing key from the given channel.
/MODE [#channel|nick] [params] Change channel, user and server modes.
/MSG nick [text] Send a private message.
/NAMES [#channel] List users in a channel.
/NICK nickname Change your nick name.
/NOTICE #channel|nick message Send a notice to another user or channel.
/NOTIFY on|off|nick Notify if nick connects/disconnects to this network.
/ONOTICE [#channel] message Send a notice to all channel operators.
/OMSG [#channel] message Send a message to all channel operators.
/OP [#channel] nick Add a new operator.
/OUT text Output a text line in this window. Nothing is sent.
/OUTP text Output a pure, unparsed text line in this window. Nothing is sent.
/PART [#channel] [message] Leave a channel.
/PARTALL [message] Leave all joined channels.
/PHOP delay [#channel] nick Delay a +h mode change several seconds.
/PING nick Ping a user.
/PLAIN [text] Send a not encrypted message in the active window.
/POP delay [#channel] nick Delay a +o mode change several seconds.
/PROTECT [on|off|nick|address [#channel]] Add, remove or enable/disable protect mode.
/PVOICE delay [#channel] nick Delay a +v mode change several seconds.
/QUERY nick Open a query window.
/QUIT [reason] Disconnect from the IRC server and close the tab/window.
/RAW command Send a command directly to the server.
/RAWEVENTS [on|off] Activate/deactivate script raw event handling.
/REMOVEKEYS   Remove all Blowfish keys.
/RPN expression Evaluate the reverse polish notation (RPN).
/RUN program [parameters] Execute a program.
/SAY [text] Send a message in the active window.
/SCRIPT [on|off] Activate/deactivate general script handling.
/SERVER [address [port] [password]] Reconnect to the previous server or connect to a new server.
/SET %variable [-znuN] [value] Set a variable.
  • -z Decrease the variable after each call until its value is zero.
  • -n Force a plain text variable.
  • -ulifetime Lifetime of the variable in seconds.
/SETKEY [key] Set the Blowfish key for the current channel, query or DCC chat.
/SETNAMEKEY [key] Set the Blowfish key for a channel, query or DCC chat.
/SHOWQUITCOMMENT   Show the comment sent on quit.
/SIGNAL name [parameters] Fire a script event signal.
/SREQ [ask|auto|ignore] Default DCC send request handling.
/STOP   Stop all running scripts.
/STYLEDEMO   Display some formatted text with supported CBIRC features.
/TIME   Display the time on the IRC server.
/TIMER [-omh] [time] count interval command [| command] Add a new timer.
  • -o Start an offline timer.
  • -m Time in milliseconds.
  • -h High resolution timer in milliseconds.
/TIMER [-epr] Execute, pause or resume the matching timers.
  • -e Execute the timer event.
  • -p Pause the timer.
  • -r Resume the timer.
/TIMER off Remove all matching timers.
/TITLEBAR [@window] text Set main window title.
/TOGGLEKEY [#channel|user] Toggle a Blowfish key.
/TOPIC [#channel] text Change the topic of a channel.
/UNLOAD [file [file2 ...]] Unload a script file.
/UNSET %var [%var] Remove variable(s).
/UNSETALL   Remove all variables.
/URL [show|hide|address] Open a url in a browser window or show/hide the window.
/VERSION nick Get the client version.
/WHO #channel|address Display users on a channel or matching nicks.
/WHOIS nick Display information about a user.
/WHOWAS nick Display information about a user who left IRC.

138 commands listed.

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